Yousef Banihani

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At First: Letting Go of Impostor Syndrome

Well! For along time this was my issue; I was the kind of person who’s always in doubt, the kind who did not look to my inner self and said: Hey dude! I appreciate what you do! Keep going and just show your work, have faith in yourself.

On the early stages of any creative field pal, the first hurdle you face as a creative creator is the imposter syndrome, those moments of doubting—am I good enough? is what I am creating beautiful? Does it follow the rules? (which I’m gonna talk about in another article). Is there any mistakes, or am I a fraud?


If you think that you are a fraud, and you’re the only one, great news! I am too, and this is awesome. I’ve been a fraud my whole life and I’m just waiting for someone to reveal the bad me.

Pal, Have courage and stand for yourself, just get yourself out there and say: I can do this, and no one ever is going to do it for me!

Stand in-front of a mirror and do the power pose, you know the one that athletes do when they win something; They do it after winning, we do it before! we do it before work, before a project, before pitching an idea or before we create art!

Have faith in yourself, trust your guts, and practice the power pose.

Now I’m going to reveal the secret of the universe for you: No one knows anything and we’re just making it up! every CEO, creative director, business owner, everyone including myself.

You’re not a fraud, you’re totally worth and the world is waiting for you! the world needs new saviour and a new face! unfold your wings and fly! roam the universe.

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