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Identity Editorial Communication

  • Morma Brand?

    Morma® is a local shop located in Jordan that sells eye contact lenses for their customers, the brand has been running for a fair time until the global pandemic COVID-19 accord.

    As hundreds of the market brand owners started going online to keep their business running, Morma’s team decided they want to take the action of kicking their own project to an online base.

    A true end-to-end solution, I engaged with Morma early on, building a brand strategy in parallel with product development to ensure that our audience insights derived from qualitative research could inform innovation outcomes. These insights not only led to pivotal product decisions, but also paved the way for positioning the brand as a wearable for every day.

    With the foundational strategy finalized, I had the chance then to create key messaging and a robust design toolkit for launch, inclusive of a full identity system, product and lifestyle photo libraries, web templates, digital ads, and social media spots.

    The resulting visual system celebrates the tensions at play: between design and engineering, precision and dynamism, the explicit and the implied. The new Morma brand is brought to life by these counterpoints, fueled by a rhythmic spirit of restless experimentation. Working closely with the teams at Morma ensured that the products evolves the longstanding legacy of the shop while launching it into yet another new future—the global arena of fashion wearables.

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hello@yousefbanihani.com | +(962) 788 26 5058 | World Citizen